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Cox & Stevens 135 ft Gaff Schooner 1930 - Sold



Cox & Stevens 135 ft Gaff Schooner 1930

Designer Cox & Stevens N Y
Builder Germaniawerft Krupp - Kiel
Date 1930
Length overall 154 ft 2 in / 47 m
Length deck 134 ft 6 in / 41 m
Length waterline 100 ft 1 in / 30.5 m
Beam 28 ft 3 in / 8.6 m
Draft 16 ft 5 in / 5 m
Displacement 340 Tonnes
Construction Steel
Gross Tonnage 202 Tons
Engine MTU 183TE 92 900 HP / 673 kW 1992
Location Italy
Price Sold

These details are provisional and may be amended




There are few vintage yachts that truly offer the kind of luxury that DEVA can provide. In her current ownership great care has been taken to ensure she remains an intimate family yacht yet her dimensions allow for everything offered by modern super yachts albeit they could never match her charm or 1930s glamour.

To read about DEVA’s history hints at the capability of this yacht, totally at home crossing oceans and probably perfect for a circumnavigation. In recent years DEVA has benefited from a devoted crew and owner and she has very few comparisons.

Sometimes owners want to move on and having made this decision they will now consider all realistic offers.

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Interested in DEVA (ex TE VEGA) in more detail.

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DEVA is the subject of a significant detailed history “Te Vega the Story of a Schooner and her People” by one time crew member Michel Anctil. Inspired by recollection of his 3 months on TE VEGA in the 1960s and privately published in March 2011, it relates both to fact and fantasy engendered by this remarkable vessel. Record is made of the lives of DEVA’S numerous owners, guests and the societies in which they moved – revealing both joys and disasters in line with the changing fortunes of the diverse dramatis personae in this play, the constant star of which, notwithstanding changes of name, has been DEVA herself.

This wealth of information, touching on the experiences not only of her owners, friends and relations but her numerous crews and trainees in a variety of disciplines makes fascinating reading. Nevertheless however tempted we might be; it is impossible to do justice here to it - or indeed all the participants - but the book can be made available to any seriously interested party.

This outline chronology covers the principal episodes in DEVA’s life to date:

1928 Cox and Stevens commissioned by New Jersey based yachtsman Walter G Ladd to design him a schooner to be built by Germaniawerft Krupp in Kiel

1930 Schooner ETAK launched and delivered; registered in New York

1933 Walter Ladd dies, ETAK sold to Adolph M Dick and renamed VEGA

1937 VEGA sold to construction tycoon Hans W Rohl and taken via California to Hawaii, where subsequently she and her owner become embroiled in a scandal involving defence contracts

1942 US Navy acquires VEGA, renaming her USS JUNIATA to serve as a patrol vessel in the Eastern Pacific. Then in 1945 decommissioned she was bought and renamed VEGA by aviation pioneer Thomas F Hamilton for chartering

1951 Sold to plumbing fortune heir Cornelius Crane – and the same year dismasted in a storm off Tahiti, then to idle for some years

1954 VEGA bought by sailing legend Omer Darr and remasted. He renamed her TE VEGA for luxury tourism between Hawaii and the Society Islands, where she starred in the movie “South Seas Adventure”, then in 1958 sold to lumber industry executive Harold A Miller.

1959 - 1962 TE VEGA operated for Miller by charter firm VEB Nicholson and Sons in the Caribbean then to be sold to Stanford University for conversion to an oceanographic research vessel

1963 - 1969 Participates in International Indian Ocean and other scientific expeditions then to be sold again to Flint School in Florida, run by George Stoll and his son Jim

1970 - 1981 Used as a floating school for teenagers, sailing mostly in the Caribbean and Europe until put up for sale in 1981

1982 - 1992 TE VEGA bought by Landmark School Massachusetts and operated by Steve Wedlock and Kim Pedersen as Watermark School for dyslexic teenagers. Although the boat was sold twice - in 1987 and 1988 to Dutch owners, Watermark continued to rent the boat, notably sailing to Leningrad. At the end of their program TE VEGA was sold to the family of Calisto Tanzi founder and head of food giant Parmalat.

1992 - 1997 Restoration undertaken

1997 – 2004 Luxury status regained, TE VEGA participated on the Mediterranean circuit before the Parmalat Scandal brought down the Tanzi family forcing them to sell.

2006 TE VEGA bought by Andrea della Valle, vice chairman of fashion shoe company Tod’s; renamed DEVA and sailed throughout the Western Med.

At the time of Ladd’s commissioning ETAK, Cox and Stevens had become the leading yacht designers in New York; with no less than 250 designs to their credit since their inception in 1905. Significantly; several of their designs had been built by Germaniawerft Krupp in recognition of the Germans’ reputation as the best builders of steel yachts at the time so this was a very good start - and given Ladd’s close attention to every detail of construction, rig, spars and fit out, her specification was probably second to none for that era. Following her launch however Ladd was to enjoy his leisure time in cruising her for only three years before his death.

While her next two owners Adolph Dick and Hans Rohl were colourful – indeed controversial; her subsequent wartime naval service bears mention if only because the nearest she came to action was in a night time encounter with – as it turned out - a friendly destroyer.

After five years in Thomas Hamilton’s ownership, in which she was reconverted from her wartime fit-out to that more suitable for chartering, VEGA was sold to his friend, traveller and experienced yachtsman Cornelius Crane. On the delivery trip it seems early pointers to the skipper’s negligence were insufficient to prevent his putting the vessel in danger – leading to her dismasting in a severe gale off Tahiti in November 1951. Somewhat demoralised by this, Crane had her laid up and then sold her to Omer Darr in 1954.

Darr with wartime naval service and experience as owner and skipper of the 71 ft schooner NORDLYS under his belt was attracted by the knockdown price given VEGA’s then dire condition. Under a jury rig he took her to Newport Beach Ca for a full refit and new rig – less topmasts following consultation with original designers Cox and Stevens. Now called TE VEGA in the Tahitian style, her maiden voyage set the tone for her next career as the Star of the Darr Lines Inc chartering business, providing the ultimate in fine wine and dining around exotic destinations in considerable style – and price - for those indulging. These cruises were not without incident and numerous anecdotes relate to guests and crew members alike. Darr with his Tahitian wife Harriet were definitely hands-on managers, as much for the chartering as handling the vessel – also during her Cinerama experience in 1957. Many years later Darr, not given to publicity, in a letter to yacht broker Richard Bertram recorded:

“We quite frequently made day’s runs of 265 and 270 miles on our Tahiti Honolulu voyages. Our best days were always with fresh trades with wind and sea on the beam – or just slightly abaft…… She would also ride very well under these conditions running in the trough of the sea”

TE VEGA’s next owner; the thrifty Harold Miller put her under the charter management company of VEB Nicholson and Sons in Antigua arriving in English Harbour for the first time in 1959. Miller, his family and friends themselves enjoyed their times on board and exploring the Caribbean as well as the paying guests. During this ownership TE VEGA underwent some major works including a new engine in Amsterdam before returning in October 1960 for the high season. In 1961 she underwent further refitting and conversion from a gaff on both masts to a staysail rig. The Nicholson 1961 Charter brochure bears reading 50 plus years on. Starting from Antigua each of the 12 day cruises set a course towards the Windward Islands, including Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St Lucia, Tobago and Grenada. The remaining six cruises lasted 8 days and hopped from Antigua to the various Leeward Islands. Three suites combining specific cabins could be reserved……Rates per suite varied but were around $2,872 for a 12 day and $2,120 for an 8 day cruise, reduced somewhat if a single group took all cabins. For that they got full board, fuel and use of the boats but not spirits, beers, shore trips or expenses. The end of this period was marked by her use for training Swedish sailors under the command of Swedish skipper Karl Olle Boysen.

The 1960s brought new social mores and freedoms along with an era of exploration – not only in outer space but in oceanography, in which science TE VEGA was to become a prominent participant for Stanford University’s program, when alumnus Harold Miller offered to lease her to Stanford for oceanographic research. The role required some refitting and re equipping with dedicated trawling rigs and instruments.

By now under a different skipper the early cruises were of doubtful benefit under less than ideal crewing and catering arrangements. The second cruise started well but descended towards disaster with the loss of a propeller and subsequent long sojourn in Colombo, where it seemed the captain’s shortcomings were a major contributor to a loss of crew and student morale – not to mention a decline in standards. In due course he was to be replaced. Proceeding then towards Addu Atoll an engine room fire and injury to a crew member were sustained. The remainder of the cruise to Mombasa was reportedly similarly chaotic.

On the next cruise - between Mahe and the Maldives the vessel almost broached in strong winds, saved by the sails being ripped from their bolt ropes. Eventually making Singapore, more repairs were made to enable departure in February 1965 to make San Francisco in September. In dry dock at Bethlehem Steel she was substantially refitted.

There were more cruises in 1966 and 1967 under new academic leadership and skipper – including a period again under Omer Darr’s command. In 1968 there was a notable trip to the then unspoiled Galapagos Islands – and later near the Cocos Islands the boat was subjected to sustained attack by massed squadrons of red footed Booby birds; the vessel seeing more action in that event than during the entire 2nd World War.

By now for Stanford TE VEGA’S days were numbered. Realisation – rather late in the day that she was unsuitable for the role intended - not to mention logistically at such distances, along with reduced funding forced her sale. If the Stanford hierarchy’s perception was thus it contrasted with that of Michel Anctil who writes:

“But to this author and many of his fellow students these grim figures were occult to us……….., you were a youth experiencing the adventure of a lifetime, as romantic as your imagination allowed……………TE VEGA changed our lives in various personal and professional ways. We also developed a deep affection for the ship, maybe of a different kind from that felt by sailors but a keen appreciation of her performance at sea and her beauty all the same…..”

Te Vega Corporation, newly set up for charters had the vessel sent to Mexico for a refit, which proved a false economy. Low standards here it seems were matched by low standards of management and chartering such that within 2 years they opted out and put her up for sale again.

Jim Stoll who had underbid for her previously, now saw his chance to acquire her for Flint School in Sarasota as a life enhancing vehicle for progressive education. Somehow with very limited resources Jim, his family and friends all pitched in to make it work and by September 1970, she was ready for the first term. What followed was quite mixed. Clearly the education was different from the norm and while discipline and self reliance were engendered so were the pressures of schooling in a competitive environment at close quarters. What is for sure, over the period TE VEGA was to travel widely both to South America and Europe, the Mediterranean and the via the Kiel canal 42 years after her launch there to the Baltic to participate in the 1972 Tall Ships Race so Jim’s charges certainly saw the World.

Back and forth across the Atlantic three year later she was then on the West coast of Europe and then further South in West African waters, heading back again at the end of ’75 via Cape Verde to the Amazon followed by extensive cruising in her familiar waters of the Caribbean.

The following year she participated in the Bermuda Newport Tall Ships Race, followed by Operation Sail to commemorate the US bicentenary and making her mark on 4th July 1976 in no uncertain terms receiving third prize for the “Smartest Ship”; no mean achievement for a teenage crew up against more modern ships with professional crews and greater resources. Following these celebrations it was back to normal – the ongoing round of quite tough schooling.

Back in Europe in 1978 one event provided an indelible memory for some. TE VEGA and QUEST were both in the inner pool of Dover harbour notorious for lock gates that were not water tight. Consequently depth was not properly maintained but fluctuated to some extent with the ebb and flow of tide outside - so there was potential to dry out even in dock. The opportunity to depart before tides turned to neaps potentially stranding them for 2 weeks coincided with a Force 8 in which the seas outside the harbour reached up to 20 ft. Stoll decided to go and with careful manoeuvring and trim of the foresail they did make the exit from the relative calm inside the breakwater to the boiling sea outside - and by then crashing hard on deck – they made it unscathed in the event. Their experience later that year of the tidal wave that hit (them in) Nice was quite tame by comparison.

By 1981 Jim Stoll had decided to move on and without his seamanship and navigation skills George, unable to continue on his own made to close the school and sell up.

It took a year but another institution the Landmark School, educating mainly dyslexic children, caught wind of TE VEGA. Already operating WHEN AND IF, famously General George Patton’s 65 ft Alden schooner; demand for their services moved them to acquire a bigger boat. On assessing her Steve Wedlock noted her size and rig were ideally suited to sail training:

“She was big enough to be impressive …………was responsive of helm and sensitive to subtle changes in sail trim. Her gaff rig required minimum standing rigging but allowed a wide variety of sail configurations. She was relatively easy to tack, pointed well and fairly flew on a broad reach……”

Landmark therefore went ahead and acquired TE VEGA. Of course she required work and in due course much of this was done in Greece. Thereafter in pursuing their educational program the benefits of the challenges and disciplines were not lost on the Landmark teachers – or their charges and indeed on one voyage friends and family of both staff and pupils also took part.

Meanwhile Steve had formulated a plan to make an exchange visit to Leningrad, which despite the inevitable obstructions in what was still the Cold War era, did happen. That voyage from Helsinki in October 85, evoking the excitement and mystery of the Baltic – and indeed soviet spy fantasies made it to Leningrad, where contacts made in a variety of social exchanges did a power of good for international relations. The return via London, St Malo, Brest and Vigo had her in dry dock in Lisbon over the Christmas break. Wintering in the Balearics they sailed again reaching East Coast home port Gloucester in mid June 86.

By now Landmark’s successful programs had increased demand such that TE VEGA was no longer big enough for their needs. Although put up for sale they continued with her pro tem and indeed once she had been sold – finally to Pieter Samara, born American now a Dutch citizen, Landmark continued to charter the vessel from him. After more refitting, voyages continued for the 1988-89 academic year mainly in the Caribbean. Then another trip to Leningrad was conceived; the “Soviet American Sail 1989” with an environmental pollution testing agenda she sailed in June with about 20 Americans and 20 Russians on board .

1989 – 90 was no less exciting – but in a different way – heading East across the North Atlantic a gale encountered near the Azores seriously challenged the crew and TE VEGA herself but notwithstanding breakages to rig and sails and some injuries they pulled through; doubtless learning some important life and teamwork lessons from this harrowing experience. The end of this voyage in Holland marked the end of Landmark’s working association with the boat but there can be no doubt that most of their pupils had benefited hugely from their experience and happily endorsed by many of their parents.

Refitted again and with a new crew under a new captain, TE VEGA was destined for a more relaxed cruising regime for friends and family – along with some regatta participation. In 1990 she won three trophies at the Tall Ships Race out of Bordeaux.

Following this there was more work to be done – this time in Portugal. It transpired however the manager of the shipyard was more interested in acquiring the boat on behalf of a client through one of the brokers for $500,000 – and in the process refusing to recognise the bank guarantees provided by Pieter Samara for the works to be done – effectively commandeering the boat in an act of virtual piracy.

Samara engaged the Northern Portuguese Admiralty attorney, to act in various courts, during which time events including ship yard thugs attempting to kill the captain were widely reported in the Portuguese and Dutch press. Finally the bank guarantees covering 100% of the yard invoices and contract were accepted by a special court as full payment, giving legal authority to take the ship. The shipyard however had her locked in chains with motor elements removed and heavily guarded.

Rick Groen the captain, highly skilled in sailing without an engine, chose a dark night to board her from a dinghy with a skeleton crew of 5. They cut the chains and when the midnight wind came up with the ebbing high tide, moved astern towards the open sea, hoisted quickly the jib, flying jib and stay sails, then spun the ship around and approaching the main harbour hoisted the main and schooner sails; 1,200 sq m, and exited the harbour at some 18 knots to the rough sea beyond. They got her back to Scheveningen and the shipyard later putting in its claim on the bank guarantees was fully paid.

In 1992 a charter was arranged for the Americas Cup to Cadillac and while TE VEGA was in a shipyard readying for repairs the 26 year old daughter of Calisto Tanzi came by. They made an offer of $2 million and a week later the deal was closed.

Destined now for a life of luxury rather than as a training ship TE VEGA was to undergo a major refit and reorganisation of her accommodation. The work started in Bilbao with the hull and deck steelwork but was then taken to Beconcini in La Spezia and in due course fitted with an interior designed by Georgetti and Magrini of Milan.

While the eventual outcome – after some 4 years and considerable expenditure was open to criticism from the purists, it took David Pelly, who wrote an article following the restoration to observe “Apart from the fact that she is pristine and new rather than battered and rusty, the TE VEGA of today looks remarkably like the TE VEGA of 1930.

Without much fanfare TE VEGA underwent more changes – not least in her name; now DEVA, derived from the family name of Della Valle. Her new owner appointing as captain former naval commander and commensurate yachtsman Claudio Mottola to oversee the works – as well as the crew, the impressive outcome of further expenditure under his supervision is clear for all to see. In May 2010 on the 80th anniversary of her maiden voyage prompted Michel Anctil to observe from his visit:

“Now our story has come full circle. The schooner has resumed the carefree life of pleasure yachting that she began 80 years ago, spoiled with attention lavished on her…….(She) is at least as beautiful as the day she was launched in 1930 and if anything is more pampered than ever…………”



- Steel hull
- Teak decks
- Aluminium and teak superstructure
- Varnished teak caprail over bulwark


Deck layout equipment and ground tackle

From aft
- Bronze fairleads and teak and bronze mooring cleats port and stbd
- TV dome
- Main sheet horse
- Deck hatch accesses steering machinery
- 2 x Lewmar 111 electric 3 speed bronze winches
- Bronze main boom gallows
- 2 x large teak and bronze mainsheet cleats
- Topmast running backstay port and stbd
- 2 x Lewmar 66 manual 2 speed ST backstay winches
- Helm wheel and rudder indicator
- Bronze steering compass binnacle
- Engine and bow thruster controls
- Teak box fwd of binnacle contains MTU engine instruments and B&G Hydra, wind indicators
- Bench seats over butterfly hatch
- 2nd set of running backstays to main mast port and stbd
- 2 x Lewmar 66 manual 2 speed ST backstay winches
- Doghouse with varnished teak handrails on roof and bronze framed ports
- Bench seating both sides, lockers under
- Access to main accommodation
- Boarding ladder stowed stbd with davit
- Pair of bronze and teak deck cleats each side
- Many lemon squeezer prism deck lights throughout
- Large varnished teak table mid deck under main boom fwd of doghouse
- The 4 x life rafts stowed on teak chocks under
- Bench seating with stowage under fwd
- 2 x Butterfly skylight hatches; one each side, bench seats and bronze vents on dorade boxes
- Main mast base
- 4 x Lewmar 77 electric 3 speed bronze winches on pedestals
- Extensive bronze pin rails at base of shrouds
- Horse for foremast
- 2 x Butterfly skylight hatches with bronze vents on dorade boxes
- Forward doghouse in varnished teak with bronze ports and 2 x bronze vents in roof
- Slatted seat, dorade box and vent at leading edge of doghouse
- Foremast base
- 4 x Lewmar 77 electric 3 speed bronze winches on pedestals
- Extensive bronze pin rails at base of shrouds
- Horse for staysail boom
- Hydraulic windlass with 2 x capstans and 2 x winches
- Raised varnished hatch with dorade box and bronze vent
- Large bronze mooring cleat
- 2 x Anchor hause pipes
- 2 x Posidonia anchors HV- HHP - 225 kg 22 mm, 6 shackles chain
- 2 x Teak and bronze cleats

Miscellaneous items
- Deck shower
- Bathing ladder
- Sun mattresses


Accommodation and domestic equipment

Accommodation Summary
- Main saloon
- Fore deckhouse saloon
- Owner’s cabin aft; 2 berths with en suite head and shower
- 5 x Guest cabins all twin / double; so for 10 persons
- 5 x Guest en suite head and shower compartments
- 6 x Crew cabins total 11 x berths
- 4 x Crew head and shower compartments

Main doghouse aft
- Navigation station with full size chart table and 5 chart drawers
- Navigation instruments and repeaters
- Main engine controls, instruments and alarms
- Bench seating both sides, lockers under
- Companionway steps down and corridor fore and aft at foot

Owners cabin aft athwartships
- 4 x Opening ports and butterfly skylight in deckhead
- Double berth with banquette to stbd
- Double berth with banquette to port
- Large hanging locker wardrobes
- 5 x Deck head lights and 4 x reading lights
- 2 x Dressing tables / desks
- Samsung TV / Video

Owners en suite head compartment fwd to stbd
- 2 x Opening ports, 2 x deckhead lights and 3 x spotlights
- Automatic WC, bidet, wash basin with H&C water
- Walk – in shower

Forward by companionway to large twin guest cabin to port
- 2 x Opening ports, 2 x reading lights and a deckhead light
- 2 x Single berths with stowage under
- Hanging locker
- Butterfly skylight in deck head
- TV

En suite head compartment forward
- WC, bidet, wash basin with H&C water
- Separate shower

Forward to port side double guest cabin
- Varnished joinery and white pine deck head
- 2 x Opening ports, 2 x reading lights and 2 x deckhead lights
- Butterfly skylight in deck head
- Large double berth with stowage under
- TV on bulkhead

En suite head compartment aft
- Opening port, deckhead light and 3 x spotlights
- WC, bidet and wash basin with H&C water
- Walk in shower

Guest twin cabin across companionway to stbd
- Varnished joinery and white pine deck head
- 2 x Opening ports, 2 x reading lights and 2 x deckhead lights
- Butterfly skylight in deck head
- 2 x Single berths with stowage under
- TV on bulkhead

En suite head compartment aft
- Opening port, deckhead light and 3 x spotlights
- WC, bidet and wash basin with H&C water
- Walk-in shower

Saloon forward
- Varnished joinery and varnished / white painted bulkheads
- 2 x Butterfly skylight hatches in white painted deck head
- 8 x Opening ports, 10 x deckhead lights and 11 x bulkhead lights
- Large U shaped settee to port with banquette
- Large dining table with 10 chairs to stbd
- Samsung TV / Video

On centreline up to forward deckhouse
- White painted with varnished trim
- 6 x Opening ports, 2 x bulkhead lights, 2 x deckhead lights,
- Settee, snug area with TV on bulkhead
- Door to mid deckhead

Forward from Saloon to twin guest cabin to port
- Varnished joinery and varnished / white painted bulkheads and deckhead
- 2 x Opening ports, 2 x deckhead lights and 2 x reading lights
- 2 x Single berths

Day and twin guest head compartment fwd
- Opening port, deckhead light and 3 x spotlights
- Automatic WC, wash basin with H&C water
- Walk-in shower

Guest cabin via corridor athwartships opposite to stbd
- Butterfly skylight
- 2 x Opening ports, 2 x deckhead lights and 2 x bulkhead reading lights
- 2 x Single up and over berths, stowage under
- TV in bulkhead

En suite head compartment
- Opening port and deckhead light
- Automatic WC, bidet, basin with H&C water
- Walk-in shower

Galley to port
- Extensive worktops containing 2 x stainless steel sinks and draining boards
- 2 x Unox professional gas stoves; total 4 hobs on island unit and ovens
- 2 x Custom fridges
- 3 x Professional fridges
- Brema icemaker
- Whirlpool microwave oven
- Coffee machine
- Hoonved professional dish washer

Crew mess to stbd with large V shaped seating area
- Acer TV / Video;
- Doorway to focsle cabin and companionway steps down aft to engine room and crew quarters below

Captain’s cabin to port
- Opening port and 2 x deckhead lights
- Large single berth, stowage drawers
- Desk
- Repeaters for Hydra 2 and the GPS
- Hanging locker

En suite head compartment
- Automatic WC
- Wash basin with H&C water
- Shower

Cook’s cabin to stbd
- Opening port and 2 x deckhead lights
- 2 x Single bunk berths
- Hanging cupboard

En suite head compartment
- Opening port and 3 x spotlights
- Automatic WC
- Wash basin with H&C water
- Shower

Focsle cabin with stairs to raised hatch in deckhead
- Opening port
- 2 x Single bunk berths

En suite head compartment
- Opening port and 3 x deckhead lights
- WC
- Shower

Engine Room and crew quarters accessed by steps down from Crew mess

Crew cabin forward to port
- 2 x Bunk berths
- Shower

Crew cabin to stbd
- 2 x Bunk berths
- WC and shower
- Aft to

Head compartment
- WC and shower

Crew cabin
- 2 x Bunk berths

Laundry and provisions
- 2 x Custom deep freezes
- 2 x Miele washing machines
- 2 x Miele Dryers

Engines, generators, tanks etc as detailed in Mech and E

Entertainment not already shown
- 5 x Panasonic DVD / CD players
- Sony / Bose Radio / Hifi system


Rig, spars, sails and canvas

Gaff Schooner rig
- Main mast, fore mast, 2 x topmasts and bowsprit
- Main mast + topmast heights from waterline: 135 ft 6 in / 41.3 m
- Foremast + topmast heights from waterline: 116 ft 9 in / 35.6 m

Booms and spars with lengths
- Main boom 61 ft / 18.6 m
- Fore boom 34 ft 9 in / 10.6 m
- Bowsprit 31 ft 6 in / 9.6 m
- Jumbo boom 32 ft 10 in / 10.0 m
- Main gaff 41 ft / 12.5m
- Fore gaff 34 ft 5 in / 10.5m
- Traditional reefing systems
- All ash and bronze blocks

“One Sails” formerly UK Sails – Halsey Classic cross cut 2006
- Main Sail 4,305 sq ft / 400 sq m
- Main Topsail 861 sq ft / 80 sq m
- Fore Sail 2,153 sq ft / 200 sq m
- Fore Topsail 700 sq ft / 65 sq m
- Jumbo Staysail 1,000 sq ft / 90 sq m
- Jib 1,076 sq ft / 100 sq m
- Flying Jib 861 sq ft / 80 sq m

Total sail area 10,925 sq ft 1,015 sq m

- Awning
- Canvas cover


Mechanical electrical and tankage

- Mekanord 350 gear box
- Max speed 11.4 knots, cruising speed 10.4 knots, consumption 100 l / h at cruising
- Alfa Laval MAB 103 B fuel separator
- VPP 4 bladed propeller
- Range on engine only 3,000 nm
- Bowthruster 80 KW

- Fuel 5,983 gallons / 27,200 litres fuel
- 1,540 gallons / 7,000 litres fresh water
- Grey waste water tank
- Black waste water
- Waste water treatment system

Ancillary machinery
- 2 x H.E.M 30 water maker - total 400 LPH
- 5 x Hot water heater
- Ventilation
- Condaria Air conditioning and heating

Electrical systems
- Lugger M6 108T 125 kW generator 10,000 hrs consumes 10 LPH
- Deutz MwM 85 kW generator1 2,000 hrs10 LPH
- Northern Lights ML964 26 kW generator 5,700 hrs6 LPH
- 5 x Inverters
- Transformers / converter
- Batteries 20 hours autonomy
- 4 x Battery charger
- 380 V, 3 phase 50 Hz AC shore power


Navigation, communications and electronics

- Simrad AP 50 autopilot
- Fuselli Steering compass
- Furuno Navnet GPS / plotter; 2 x VGA dsiplay
- Furuno GPS GP80 GPS / plotter in Captain’s cabin
- 2 x Geonav GPS / plotter
- Furuno 1942 - Mk2 64 nm radar
- Furuno 1834 C, 36 nm radar
- Furuno weather fax
- Furuno Navtex
- Bohlken Westerland barograph
- B&G Hydra 2 Sum log
- B&G Hydra echo sounder
- B&G Hydra Wind speed & direction
- B&G Hydra close hauled & running
- B&G Hydra rudder angle indicator

Communications equipment
- Furuno VHF Radiotel
- Skanti SSB radiotel
- Iridium portable satcom


Sports etc equipment

- Diving tender
- Novamarine RH400 4 m white tender with Yamaha 40 HP outboard
- 1 x set water skis
- Snorkelling equipment
- 3 X 15Diving equipments



- 3 x BFA Baltic 8 Person life rafts
- 1 x BFA Atlantic 8 Person life raft
- 32 x Solas life jackets
- 7 x Kadematic 150 N life belts
- 2 x BFA 160 N life belts
- Marinepool 150 N life belt
- All life belts equipped with AIS MOB device
- Jon Buoy Mk 3 MOB
- Distress flares
- McMurdo EPIRB
- Security camera system
- Safes in owner’s and captain’s cabins
- Bilge alarm
- Rina Minimax CO2 Fire-extinguishing installation
- 21 x Rina ABC fire extinguishers
- 4 x Rina CO2 fire extinguishers


Refit notes

1997 Total refit completed during which all present equipments were fitted on board

2006 Acquired by current owner
- Partial restyling of his cabin and interiors
- Hull sanded and varnished
- All rigging renewed and updated in accordance with a new standard
- All spars and all wooden parts of the boat sanded and varnished
- New sail wardrobe

Since 2006 Cruised in the Mediterranean during the summer season
- Annual full maintenance planning program for the winters such that
- All major parts of the vessel regularly and carefully maintained
- Most of the electronics updated
- Other equipments renewed including ovens in the galley, dryers and dishwasher

In the 5th winter (last 2011)
- Masts removed, completely detached from all metal rigs and brushed to bare wood
- Masts re-varnished with 12 layers
- Non destructive checks where possible including decks, hull, exhaust system and sea cocks

Enquire About This Yacht

Contact us to discuss DEVA (ex TE VEGA) in more detail.

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These particulars have been prepared from information provided by the vendors and are intended as a general guide. The purchaser should confirm details of concern to them by survey or engineers inspection. The purchaser should also ensure that the purchase contract properly reflects their concerns and specifies details on which they wish to rely.


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